Sunday, November 21, 2010

Weekend Four

What an exceptional weekend I had. My spirit was truly fed. So many things are going on through my head this morning. Now that I have this knowledge I feel like I need to do something with it. I want to know more. I feel like the information that Syl gives me is just the tip of the iceberg. However, I am afraid to go to other places to learn because she teaches with such a sacred spirit, and is able to incorporate and talk about how the church ties into the path of a yogi. I would just love to take the Thai Partner yoga training. My soul just cries out at the thought of knowing such information. I was really struck while on the website when it said, “depending on how dedicated you are in making your gift known to others” I feel as if I have untapped gifts waiting to blossom and be known. For what ever reason I felt so strong in doing the teacher training, and the very first time I went onto Syl’s website I had this feeling that I wanted to become a Thai Partner Therapist. I feel like I could not only make a living off of this, but I would save my body all the extra work of trying to give a traditional Swedish massage. I have not yet figured out how to make that a spiritual and rewarding practice, because right now my client is getting benefits yet I am left exhausted and sore. I know I just began and that I have a long way to go, but my light is dieing out fast. I know that being a LMT is a great tool to have and that I am not by any means wasting neither time nor money by doing it. I was really struck by the conversation we had about Karma and Dharma, Such an interesting and profound idea, also the idea of intention and manifesting. . I come up with so many ideas, and I play situations out in my head hoping that they will come true, however if the power of creation is like unto a spiral, then the power that is in my life is truly limitless. An image keeps coming into my mind of a circle of light trying to move outward but a it is stuck inside a wood box. The wood box is keeping the spiral trapped, however at any moment the box could shatter. If the box were to shatter then the spiral would be freed. I want the box to collapse, but I am afraid at what might happen if it does. The idea of controlling our life and just living with what happens is an idea I have lived with for so long. I would not even know what to expect. When I hear the chant of mata Kalli I feel this warmth and sacred power flow through me. My Heavenly Mother. I am ready for a different way to live. I am ready to co-create a life of joy and happiness right now. I do not know a lot about this but I have the faith to make the leap. If my savior is with me then I know all things are possible and that I need not fear. I do have a worry of Failing, or not “doing” something correctly. Having the tip of information that I do, I feel like I know just enough to start the change, yet not enough to manifest and keep it going. I pray that I may be lead to know what to do how to do it. I am bringing in now that I can learn through the good times. Good things do happen to people. I am open to and receiving what thou has in store. I am letting in faith, hope, and joy as I take the leap in letting the manifest process happen.

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