Sunday, November 7, 2010


I am so intrigued with Ayurveda, which means "science of life" in Sanskrit. Ayurveda is the madictonal medicine from India. The more I read and study Ayurvedic philosophy the more I am blown away by the power and truth that it holds. There is a part of me that would love to get training in this modality so that I could become an Ayurvedic doctor. I am done with massage therapy in March. After that time I have no idea what I am going to do. However I trust that when that date arrives I will have a better understanding. I am keeping all my options open. If I still feel as strong about Ayurveda as I do today then I am most definitely going to consider going into that field of medicine. What I like about it so much is that it treats people as individuals. The idea that each person leads with a specific Dosha, therefore have certain tendency in their bodies, is inspiring. We are all not the same therefore will handle different foods differently. It is also so sacred. For me Ayurveda brings together the best of what I already love: massage, oils, and yoga. I just pray that if I am meant to learn more the opportunity will present itself.

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