Sunday, August 29, 2010

The Gunas

The more I study and try to understand Yoga the more I learn how deep it really is. There are so many different levels and understandings of yoga. For some it may just be a way to stretch there body, but for others it can be a deep healing and spiritual experience. Also understanding the deep ideas of yoga are so helpful in ones practice. One such principle of yoga are the Gunas. In sandscrit Prakriti means nature. The idea is that Prakriti has three ways of manifesting herself into the physical whelm, these are the Gunas. There are three Gunas:Rajas, Tamas, and Sattva. Each Gunas has a different expression. They show up in every thing we do, and govern all physical activity.

Rajasic movement is dynamic, insistent, and passionate. When it comes to yoga one who is dominate in Rajas would be seeking power, stimulation, in nailing a posture. On an emotional level Rajas is expressed through anger, willfulness, manipulation.

Tamasic Energy is heaviness or lethargy. In a mental state it would be ignorance or inability to perceive. On the emotional level Tamas shows itself through slothfulness, inattentiveness with low mental activity. An example would be from the Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers, when King Theoden is in that trance like state. In yoga Tamasic energy would be what keeps someone from trying a posture or from participating.

Sattvic Energy is light, delicate, clear and graceful. An example of this would be the sunlight touching a still pond. Sattva means The Source. Sattva is "the pure mind with neither judgment nor self-awareness." Sattva is free from negative thoughts and emotions which in turn creates enlightenment and self-realization. A Sattvic example would be Spock from Star Trek. In yoga Sattva would view a yoga practice as a journey "with each yoga postures as a potential for both steady joy as well as challenge."

Gunas are so fascinating. The more I dive into my practice the more I hope to realized how each Gunas effects what I am doing.

**The information presented from this post comes form Syl Carson and Bodhi Yoga. If you would like to learn more about Syl Carson or Bodhi Yoga go to **

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