Sunday, August 22, 2010

My first week.

Besides taking time out of my daily life to do a yoga session, I am finding that yoga is helping me throughout the day. When I start to get upset or stressed I have found that using the Ujjayi Pranayama takes away the edge I am feeling. Ujjayi Pranayama is achieved when one touches the tip of their tounge to the top of their mouth, with the lips turned up like a smile. The inhalation and exhalation should sound like the ocean. UD means extreme, while JAYI means conquering, subduing. Through deep breathing, energy is diffused in the body*. I find I can use this breathing anywhere. I can feel it subduing the stress I may be having as it calms me down.
Another great move that I have been using through out my day is the Viparita Karani. Viparita means inverted while Karani means a particular type of practice. This is a restful practice where the body is inverted without effect*. I use this posture when my head starts to feel over whelmed. After doing this I feel calmer and my head quiets down. This posture is achieved when one has their back on the ground and hips on a bolster and legs flat against the wall with the heals out. When i do this I can feel energy moving from my feet and lower body into my upper body, which helps me relax and become balanced.
I am thoroughly enjoying my yoga experience. If anyone wants to know more about yoga go to until I write again Namaste!

*"Yoga the Iyengar Way" by Silva Mira & Shyam Mehta