Sunday, August 15, 2010

My new way of life- First weekend of Bodhi Yoga Teacher Training

I started my first class of my yoga teacher training certification class thursday night from Wow. There are so many thoughts in my head I do not even know where to start, so I guess I will just start from the moment I walked into the room. To get into Syl’s studio you walk up these large dark wood stairs which lead you to large doors which happened to be open when I walked up to them. The door led to a large studio type room with textured yellow walls. As soon as I walk in Syl is there to meet me. Syl. Besides being taken aback by how tall she, her spirit just seemed to move through me in a wave of love and expectance. She already knew my name. I went and took my place on the floor with a mat and little yoga chair. As each member of our group walked in Syl was there to hug and invite them.

Our group consists of three ladies and a Man.

Once everyone was seated we started. We first introduced ourselves and explained how we learned of Bodhi yoga. I explained that a couple of Christmases ago that my mom got me a White Mountain yoga cd and yoga mat. We were then asked to wright the intention we had for the class. Here is my intention: “My intention for this training is to discover and learn about myself. Knowing myself and my spiritual gifts will allow me to help others who need healing, love, or just my friendship. I want to help my family heal and propel them to a path of enlightenment. I am energetically and spiritually inviting anyone to come along with me on this spiritual journey. I am discovering a new way of life and a new meaning to it.”

After everyone said their intention Syl says that each time she does this training there is a common link and pattern between everyone. Sometimes she sill have a whole class of kids who just graduated high school, or a group of massage therapists. She said that she feels this class is a very deep and knowledgeable class. She then turns to me and said that despite my age I am very wise and will fit right in with the group.

After we established the intention for the class and what each individual person was bringing we did a Kundalini class. At the beginning of each kundalini who start and end with a chant. Syl did the chant and whoever wanted to join in could or you could just listen to her do it. Syl’s chanting is like nothing I have ever heard before. It is so deep and reaches far into your body igniting thoughts and feelings that have been long asleep. I could listen for hours to her chanting. We then did the session of yoga and it was great! I feel like I really moved so much unstuck energy that has been in my organs and body.

After we did the session we got into the history of yoga and being a teacher. It was just so relaxing and nurturing. Until I talk to you again. Namaste.

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