Sunday, October 17, 2010

Lines of Energy

In "Yoga as Self-Transformation" Joel Kramer talks about Lines of Energy. At this last teacher training I was able to feel what he was talking about. We were discussing a variety of postures and charting where the line of energy moves within each pose. I decided to focus on these energy lines, and adjust my body accordingly in order to get into them. Not only did focusing on these lines help me more accurately reach a pose, but I was able to go deeper in. I did not feel as much discomfort. I felt more at balance, because the energy lines were opposing each other and making me more stable. I feel the knowledge of how the energy works within each pose is so so helpful in deepening my practice.

Waking up early

Last time I wrote I said I was going to wake up early and do my own personal practice before school. Out of the four days I only got up two of those days. However, the mornings I did yoga Icould feel such an impact throughout my day. I could feel my body. I was so attuned to the needs of body. We were so connected. I love this feeling. I think so often we are outside of ourselves, thinking about the future, others, anything and everything. But there is such a power in just being in the present moment and feeling the ground beneath your feet, or the way your your cloths sit just right on your body. Or how your tense your muscles feel. Yoga allows me to bring more present and to connect not only to what my body has to say, but to what by spirit has to teach. Yoga is so profound. Every time i do it is different and i learn something different. It may seem hard or a daunting but i tell you not to be afraid to try it. It is literally changing my life. Namaste. http://www.gobodhiyoga,com

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Personal Practice

Next weekend is the third weekend to my yoga training experience. I must say it is going by so fast, even to fast. At this next teacher training I have to teach the other members of my class a Tier from the Bodhi Flow. I am quite nervous. However, I am going to take this next week and really prepare for this opportunity. I am going to wake up at 5:50 a.m for the next four days and practice the Tier i want to teach for at least a half an hour. I want to know for myself how to get into each posture, once I do this then I will put it into a whole flow. I am excited about this task. The more i do yoga the more i realize how my much my body craves it when i do not do it. I will let ya know how this weeks go.

"Something Borrowed" by Molly M. Ginty

When one starts to take their personal yoga practice and teach it many worries and concerns may arise. One of these concerns is about if they are stealing another instructors moves, or way of teaching. I know as I have practiced teaching yoga i say the same phrases as Syl. This is because it was the way I learned them. I was worried that I was cooping her. However, after reading the article written by Molly Ginty I feel much better. It really brings in the line of when one is coping someones work and not giving them credit, and when one is innocently using material.

To learn more about Syl and the wonderful yoga she is teaching me go to