Sunday, August 14, 2011

Full Spiral

This weekend marks exactly one year since I stared my journey. It feels just like yesterday when I walked up those sturdy grounding steps to the opened doors of the Bodhi center. In the midst of the doorway stood a women who would bring about a Morpheus for me, like unto that of a Caterpillar and a butterfly. I cannot express into words the love I have for that center and for Syl alike. I am so grateful for the openness I had in attracting yoga into my life as well as the yoga so easily finding its way into mine. I had the blessed opportunity to teach on the exact night that I had one year ago stepped into that holy space. It was the biggest class I had ever taught. Yet it was so profoundly one of my favorite. It made me want to know more, and learn more to provide even more for my students. I am now opening up to my creative center so I can more fully express in ways that are me. Allowing the class to have more freedom and fluidity then ever more. I love yoga. Even as I write this I feel a sense of deep gratitude and appreciation that I feel as if I could cry. Yoga is more than just going to a class and putting out moves here and there. It is as simple and wonderful as breathing, feeling the body, or the way we see our world. It is expansive yet grounding. It is the conversation between flight and dance. It is the essence and absolute in the way I am now living my life. It is mindfulness in all matters. Outside and inside of my body. It is expression that brings light to the suppression of my heart. Yoga is. This word alone brings about a sensation in my body, in Sanskrit it means "to yoke." How beautiful. Come and experience this way of life for yourself at the enchanting and life changing Bodhi Center.

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