Saturday, January 1, 2011

Listen to your heart

I have struggled with Anxiety ever since I could remember. Its been one of those things that I have put up with for so long that I just figured it would never quite go away. I feel my anxiety in my solar plexus region. Like clockwork i would wake up every morning feeling a pit in my stomach where then butterflies would explode from. This same feeling would occur when I drove, took a test, or even just thought about something stressful. Needless to say, this is not how i wanted to live. To deal with the problem I would put essential oils on my 3rd charka every morning and night, to try and calm it down. This would work for a time, however on really bad days it would give me little relieve. One Saturday morning, I got up and decided to drive down to Orem for a yoga class. The teacher that particular day happened to be a Kopha. I was so excited, knowing that I would be lead through a deep class. She said she wanted our focus that day to be on our heart, and to allow it the space to open up. Keeping that in mind I let my heart lead my practice. During savasana I had a total realization that instead of trying of trying to "fix" the problem by going straight to be 3rd chakra I needed to strengthen my heart chakra. (This made perfect sense to me since in massage therapy when someone comes in with neck and shoulder problems I almost always check the pecs. For if the pecs are tight then the neck muscles get pulled which causes the pain. We are to look at the opposite muscle that could be causing the pain. ) I also had a huge realization that for so long I had been living through my 3rd chakra which is "I think" I always did things because i thought them out and they "logically" made sense. This is not necessarily a bad thing, however in the process of doing this i learned to be governed by guilt and fear, instead of joy and faith. My heart chakra had lost its ability to help balance the choices i was making. For when one is living out of their heart charka they do things because they feel that its what they want to do.

After class i went over to the grocery store to pick up some snacks for my ride home, since i had not eaten breakfast. I quickly noticed a sale they were having on produce. I instantly with out even thinking (wow what a thought *no pun intended) bought some kiwi, avocados, and a green goodness bottled juice. When i got home i realized that i had purchased all green food. Green being the color of the heart chakra, I also realized i was wearing a light pink shirt. For days all i craved was green fruit, and vegetables, and I wore tons of pink. My heart chakra was finally being nourished. So now when i get anxiety and wake up with the thousands of butterflies, I know to first treat my heart then treat I my solar plexus. Living through my heart has brought about more joy, and freedom then have ever experienced. I am having to learn to balance it with some 3rd chakra or i end up staying up talking till three o'clock in the morning, but oh well I am learning...

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