Friday, October 14, 2011

Different Perspective

Yoga. There is not a day that goes by where i do incorporate an aspect of yoga into my life. I am still working on developing a consistent home practice, but i have to believe my heart is in the right place. I love how you can contribute yoga into every aspect into ones life. For it is a broader truth that carries its roots far and wide. When I look at life as a dance of yoga then it seems so much easier to handle. For when I do yoga there are attributes that i can always count on. First every practice is different. Sometimes i am in a great flow and its easier while others its hard from the beginning, and i push through it. This is so much like life. Some mornings i awake and am so attuned to the positive flow of abundance. While some days i have to say over and over "om nama Shiva" just in order not to throw my arms up and crawl back into bed. Its those days i have to be even more determined to choose something good. On more of a detailed scale even during my practice i can have moments of bliss and moments of pain, yet really there are all one flow.

Yoga has taught me that everyday, experience, and time is different. This simple thought has taught me not to be so hard on myself. For what i needed yesterday may not be the same as what I need today, and what worked today may not be what will work tomorrow. For this is the dance I am in. Being ok with the now. Being more neutral or Satvic really. Love. Acceptance. For me yoga has become the way of life that I choose to life. My life has not become easier by any means, but its become more expanded. My container is wider so I can experience more joy and love while not being afraid of the pain.

This morning I woke up with the judgment that are so often the demise of my day. I know when my thoughts are not healthy when I feel all the "shoulds" that make me feel over whelmed and lethargic. At this point I have a choice to either sit and listen to those messages or go to my body and deal with the reasons why I am feeling that way. I choose to go on a walk through my beautiful neighbor hood. As I walked up and down the streets i felt a power surge. As my walk moved on i noticed i was picking lighter hearted and more sensitive music. I walked up to a spot where I could over look the valley. As I looked out at my new perspective I realized that the view is always there, I just need to leave my comfortable place and go there. I love the idea that I can know bring down with me what I saw and know there is a bigger world outside of the current state i see.

My heart cries out ot be in the warm embrace of Bodhi Yoga. Even if I can't be there in spirit I know I can all myself to go sit there. I am never to far away to enjoy the grace that holy center offers, and the healing I miss so much. Namaste.