Thursday, June 2, 2011

The Dance

I am so incredible thankful for the yoga I have in my life. Indeed it is difficult going to places where I feel inadequate, but how awesome it is. The way I could feel my fascia and muscles pop then release was amazing. To go from a really intense and emotional struggle then turn and feel the bliss of my love from my Savior during savasana is amazing. Despite all my so called imperfections that I am shown everyday, I still love myself for I am perfect right now. Today. The information I learn about myself through my mediation is incredible. To learn to simply let go. To let go of the expectations, limitations, and expected outcomes. To simply just be me. To be the beautiful perfect daughter that I am right now. I am so thankful to be where I am in my life. I have more right now than I ever thought possible for myself and I love it. I love to run. When I woke up this morning all i wanted to do was run, yet I could feel my bodies need for yoga. When I started and realized how hard it was I simply wanted to quite. I realized when I run i tune out of my body. This in a way is easy because i can use my body has a machine and just go. However, when I do yoga i feel my body and the all the things I am trying to hide. This can on occasion be quite intense yet the reward at the is far worth it. Whats beautiful is I only feel as much as my body can process at that point. I am never given more then I can handle. This even goes with joy. I am learning to let go and simply me so that i can make room for more joy. By not running from the pain i am able to feel more joy. Namaste.